Again, a picture from today and not from last year. And again, I took out a special lens for this occasion:).

2017-05-28, with Sony A7 and Leica Summilux-R 35mm f/1.4.

Today was difficult to decide. Used my most precious lens for the first time ever. Except maybe once each at f2 or f2.8, otherwise the whole day wide open at f1.4. Still, felt it was just super sharp without any need to stop down at all. Except, with this photo 1/8000 at f/1.4 was almost too bright. Some areas I made darker in post processing. The photo is a crop and with 4mm extension tube (oh wait, maybe it is without extension tube - thought the shot that didn’t make it today with another motive was with extension tube for sure - schade, wanted to show some extremer close focus ability).