LINUXSTATUS(1) LINUXSTATUS(1) NNAAMMEE linuxstatus - Linux system status information SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS linuxstatus DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Displays Linux system and system status information, like kernel version, type of processor, uptime, memory usage, number of processes and context switches etc. This script was highly influenced by the book "Kernel Pro­ jects for Linux" by Gary Nutt, especially by its exercise 1. It is a fun book to get started hacking Linux, BTW. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS $ linuxstatus AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon(tm) processor 1400.052 MHz 256 KB 2791.83 bogomips Linux version 2.4.18-k7 (herbert@gondolin) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)) #1 Sun Apr 14 13:19:11 EST 2002 Uptime: 11:39:26 up 47 days, 21:57, 2 users, load aver­ age: 0.76, 0.71, 0.43 User mode: 3.49 days System mode: 5.15 days Idle time: 39.28 days 47.91 days MemTotal: 514272 kB MemFree: 5616 kB MemShared: 0 kB Buffers: 78072 kB Cached: 71216 kB SwapCached: 36724 kB Active: 360680 kB Inactive: 98084 kB HighTotal: 0 kB HighFree: 0 kB LowTotal: 514272 kB LowFree: 5616 kB SwapTotal: 1052248 kB SwapFree: 526124 kB Disk IO: 16211933 Context switches: 4211381415 Processes: 289794 Load average: 0.76 R/Threads(4/409) last pid: 32763 SSEEEE AALLSSOO linuxinfo(1) AAUUTTHHOORR Written by Chr. Clemens Lee . DDAATTEE Initial version: 2002-12-07, last updated: $Date: 2002/12/07 11:05:21 $ LINUXSTATUS(1)