Hi, you have reached the home page of Chr. Clemens Lee.

For now it contains only a link to my Java page and resume.
Lately I added a small page devoted to Unix to this site [2002-01-20].

There is also an old page about the Personal Software Process (PSP) [2004-07-15]. Almost all links to external articles don't work anymore, but there are a number of spread sheets and forms available that might be useful to students.

Gefunden - Geschunden [2005-02-05]

If you have too much time at your hands, here you can watch some moss growing [2005-03-25].

Ein paar deutsche Worte [2006-05-25]

Alberto Giacometti at Kunsthaus Zurich [2006-07-29]

If you know me in person and depending on your interests, you might check my general or investment blog [2006-10-15].

Interested in the stock market?! Then have a look at: STOCKscreener.  i  n  f  o [2007-08-30]

Meditation [2008-12-05]

Two new photography related blogs: LCPP and Clemens 365 [2017-05-10]

You can reach me via email by sending a message to <clemens@kclee.de>

Last modified: $Date: 2017/05/10 22:24:00 $